Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Finding Docket Information Removed from PACER

"The UNC Law Library has published a blog post to help people seeking information formerly available on PACER, but now removed, to understand the process for obtaining removed information.  Thanks to the hard work of Law Library Graduate Assistant, Kate Dickson, and Reference Librarian, Jonathan Rountree, the blog post details procedures for requesting removed information we obtained from the various clerks of court for the courts affected by the removal as well as information about material still available on commercial databases like Lexis, Westlaw, and Bloomberg.  The blog post is available at

Additionally, the GRO and the GRC continue to gather comments from our members regarding the effect the PACER removal is having on them for feedback to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts and other government entities. Please feel free to share your stories to the GRC and the GRO."

Hat tip
Leslie A. Street
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 


Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

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