We have heard your requests and based on suggestions from you, we have added over a dozen new "Sum and Substance" exam study guides on CD. You can take these out for 3 days to listen to in your car, at home, or on your laptop in the library (with headphones, of course).
New subjects range from Property, Family Law Wills, Constitutional Law to International Law and Exam skills.
Ask a Reference Librarian for help finding other subjects.
Need a few law-related laughs during the stressful period of final examinations? Then have a look at Judicial Humor. This page from the Marian Gould Gallagher Law Library of the University of Washington School of Law “identifies and describes humorous court opinions and related sources”.
Note that, if you follow the links provided to the court opinions, you’ll have to sign on to Westlaw with your individual ID and password.
According to this New York Times article sales of conservative suits in navy or gray pinstripes (also known as "interview suits") are on the rise. If you are starting to think about what to wear for your next interview, the Career Services @ Virginia Tech web site has some advice on what to wear.
The Night Owl Breakfast is today (Tuesday) starting at 7:30 PM. Not only is the food free this is an opportunity for a fun social event with your fellow law students, law faculty and law administrators. Talk with your professors outside the class room and get to know them as people.
You need to eat and take breaks so there is little excuse not to attend. Hope to see you this evening!
This is a story that's showing up on a lot of legal blogs (or "blawgs," as they say). An ASU 1L recently beat up a baseball bat-wielding burglar to save his laptop and the notes it contained.
Note to 1L's: One or more friends will probably give you their notes if yours are stolen.
(a.k.a. - legal stuff I have to say on advice of counsel)
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