Employers expect you to know how to research. According to law firm librarians you should “Know the Basics”, “Know Where to Start” and “Know efficiency on Lexis and Westlaw is essential”.
To help you refresh your skills, the Library will present TOP 10 Research Skills Workshops March 14-30. Pizza will be served.
Start with: “ Know the Basics-Civics 101: What Every Lawyer Should Know But Doesn’t"
Monday, March 14, 12:10-1pm in Room 242
"Find the Basics: Where to find Statutes and Regulations”
Monday, March 14, 5:10-6pm in Room 242
And don’t miss our feature workshop on Monday, March 21, 12:10-1:30pm in Room 242 . Law firm and corporate librarians will share their insights on Law Practice Survival Tips and Cost Efficient Research.
A full schedule for all 5 workshops is on the Library’s LexLounge group page in the Discussion Forums.
No need to sign up. 
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat