Every library cat knows that you should ALWAYS USE MORE THAN ONE SEARCH ENGINE. An interesting one to try is Clusty. The coolest of it's many features is that it uses a Clustering Engine which organizes search results into folders grouping similar items together. For example, a search for ‘pearl’ organizes the top 250-500 results into subject folders such as Jewelry, Pearl Harbor, Pearl Jam, Steinbeck Novel and Daniel Pearl. This makes it much easier to zoom in on what YOU are looking for. It is also useful for unearthing alternate or additional search terms when researching an unfamiliar area or concept. You don't have to take the Ernster's word for it. Clusty was named one of Time Magazines 50 coolest websites for 2005. Take a tour from the link on the homepage, or just hop in and play!Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
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