Sunday, August 17, 2008


Casemaker has started a new CasemakerX system for law students. CasemakerX is a sort of social networking site, but one only needs to register for CasemakerX, and doesn't need to include personal information, to get free access to Casemaker. Using Casemaker could make a law student familiar with how legal research is done at many smaller law firms (i.e. without Lexis or Westlaw). Casemaker is provided for free to members of 24 state bar associations (the closest state to New York City that provides Casemaker to its attorneys is Connecticut), and many attorneys in those states rely on it heavily for their legal research needs. While Casemaker's New York case law library only goes back to 2006, its libraries are much better for states like Connecticut where it is provided to attorneys by the state bar association.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

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