Important legal research is carried on at the intersection of law and human behavior. Where can you find authoritative articles from a psychological perspective on topics such as jury bias, false confessions, negotiation dynamics, domestic violence, and informed consent? Two great resources are
PsychINFO and
PsycARTICLES, databases made available by the
Axinn Library to all
Hofstra students. Both are products of the
American Psychological Association.
PsycINFO is broader in scope, with citations and summaries for over 3 million articles and comprehensive coverage from the 1880's to the present. Many are available in full-text
PDF, and others can be accessed by "Journal Finder" links leading to the full-text article in other
Hofstra databases.
PsycARTICLES provides full-text
PDF articles from 78 landmark journals in behavioral science and related fields, including all American Psychological Association journals, with coverage from 1894 to the present.
To access these databases, click on "Research Databases" at this
Hofstra University libraries web
page. You will be directed to the
Hofstra portal
login page.
PsycINFO and
PsycARTICLES are listed under Psychology/Health/Medicine in the subject list of databases.
Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat
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